Flats for mac download
Flats for mac download

features include multiple image galleries, FTP import, alter the look and design, user tracking. PHP thumbnail Photo Gallery v.3.0 A graphical PHP coded thumbnail image gallery using either a simple text file database OR Mysql database.It comes with a built in blog with moderation support, user manager section, roles manager section, SEO / SEF.

Flats for mac download

It focuses mainly on the Edit In Place editing concept.

  • Macs CMS v.1.0 Macs CMS is a Flat File ( XML and SQLite ) based AJAX Content Management System.
  • Flats for mac download

    Translations into Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Russian, Slovenian, German, Hungarian and Hebrew.

  • LockCrypt v.2.20 LockCrypt offers a central location to manage your passwords, accounts, telephone numbers and other difficult to remember information.
  • Open source, secure, light, simple and fast.
  • WonderCMS v.3.1.0 Simple website builder, smallest flat file CMS for building simple websites and blogs.
  • Flat File Reporting v.3.7.4 This project offers Drag and Drop Report Design (via IReports / Jasper Reports)for Flat Files (Fixed Width / CSV /.
  • IMPORTANT: the source code of this project was migrated to GitHub.
  • FFPOJO - Flat File POJO Parser v.0.1 The FFPOJO Project is a Flat- File Parser, POJO based, library for Java applications.
  • fSQL is designed to support as many SQL queries and features as it.
  • Flat-file SQL v.1.3.1 Flat- file SQL (fSQL) is a set of classes available in PHP that allows users without SQL database servers to select and manipulate flat- file data using SQL queries.
  • Flat-File Forum v.1.0 Flat- File Forum (FFF) is a project being written in perl to create a forum-like messaging system without the need of a database (using flat, text.
  • Flats for mac download

  • Flat File DataBase 2 MySQL DataBase v.0.02 An CGI script that makes converting an flat File DataBase to an MySQL DataBase easyer.

  • Flats for mac download