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There are also concerns about the environmental impact of dredging (though equally, not dredging has its own environmental impact). People on the ground often argue that dredging ought to help: it’s common sense rivers, and canals, get silted up why not clear them out, let the water flow? Authorities further from the action, or more able to take a general view, argue that dredging provides at best a temporary fix, and that it costs more than its limited benefits justify.

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Philip Pullman’s children’s story, La Belle Sauvage(whose hero, Malcolm, works at the Trout in an alternative present) includes a discussion between a farmer and his friends at the inn about high water levels and whether dredging is the answer (the area is then swept by the flood of all floods). There have been exchanges about this in many places, eg the Somerset Levels, but also around Oxford.

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Flooding in recent years has generated controversy - among other things, about whether to dredge or not to dredge.

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